Grain Market Outlook - April 2024
Apr 19, 2024

I don't like waiting. I live in Newton, so I get to wait on trains on a regular basis. Most of the time, they are a brief interruption to a cross-town trip, but sometimes there is more than one train, moving forward and back as they connect to cars or switch tracks. Sometimes, I start to wonder how long the wait will last. This is passive waiting. You sit and stare out the windshield until the tracks clear, the crossing guard goes up, and the lights stop flashing.
When it comes to the grain markets, having a solid marketing plan is key to managing the risks you face as a producer. Some customers have been waiting for the markets to provide a more attractive opportunity, but there's no guarantee a better opportunity will come. The worst thing would be to miss the right opportunity after all that waiting. Instead of passively waiting, this situation calls for activity. If your marketing plan isn't currently managing your risk, I urge you to take this time to meet with your Grain Marketing Specialist. Together, you can make a plan, understand your profitability, and define your goals. Place offers that can fill if the opportunity you're waiting for arrives.
This time of year historically presents increased volatility. It is also a time when you are increasingly busy: fertilizing, planting, spraying, preparing for harvest, calving, and grazing, and then there are countless school and community events. All of these are good things, but they can also mean it is difficult to find time to make a plan to meet your marketing goals. It is like waiting for the tracks to clear, but when they do, you remain in the park.
Be ready to roll. Contact Producer Ag today. When we understand your objectives, we can help connect you with the right tools to meet your needs.
Article provided by, Marshall Anderson, Grain Marketing Specialist.